The T.H.R.I.V.E. System for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Freelance Writer

Feeling like an imposter? Use this six-step system to overcome imposter syndrome as a freelance writer and be more confident.
Making Freelancing Work for Your Life (Not the Other Way Around)

Balancing your time as a freelancer is challenging. Here’s why you should give yourself a vacation to preserve your creativity.
RIB Goals: A Freelancer’s Best Friend for 2025

Do you have trouble following through on your goals? See why I use the RIB approach to make goals I’ll actually achieve.
SEO Writing Is Ruining Creativity (and Performing Worse Than Ever)

SEO content is the death of the internet. It’s also robbing writers of their creativity. Here’s how to get yours back.
Do Less If You Want to Get More Done

Feeling overwhelmed by endless tasks? Sometimes, doing less can lead to achieving more. Discover how simplifying your workflow can unlock your creativity and boost productivity.
Why I Turned Down MIT and Quit My Job: 4 Lessons in Choosing Fulfillment Over Normalcy

Turning down MIT and leaving a steady job taught me how to say no to “normal” and build a life I love. Here’s how you can, too.