Hey There! I'm Ronnie Raven.
Ready to find your ideal writing niche?
We’ve designed this quiz using decades of firsthand insight and research from some of the brightest minds in marketing to help you find your ideal writing niche.
Just answer a few questions to help me understand your interests, background, and preferences, and I’ll guide you to a niche where you’ll fit right in!
Sound good? Get started by answering the first question in the chat box below.
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The recommendations provided are based on AI-generated insights using the OpenAI GPT4-mini model and are intended for informational and educational use only. Ravenwood Writing Academy does not guarantee that the suggestions or information provided will lead to specific career outcomes, success, or financial gain or loss. Although we strive for accuracy and usefulness, AI-generated outputs may occasionally be incomplete or inaccurate. If you have any concerns about the quiz or your results, please contact us at ravenwoodwritingacademy@gmail.com.
Ravenwood Writing Academy is not responsible for any decisions or actions taken based on the recommendation of this quiz. Use this tool at your own discretion.
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