The 3-Step Plan to Land Your Next Client in 7 Days (or Less)

Finding new clients can feel daunting. Doubly so if you’re new to freelancing. But what if I told you it didn’t have to be? 

I’ve been using one strategy for eight years to land clients basically on demand. Seriously. 

Now, before you say it, this approach isn’t about cutting corners or getting lucky. It isn’t easy. You’ll need to put in the work. If you do, though, this three-step approach can get you your next client this week. 

Sound good? 

Step 1: Prepare with Precision (Day 1-2) 

You’re eager to find your next client today. I hate to say it, but this won’t happen 99% of the time. Client outreach just isn’t that simple. 

That’s why this approach doesn’t even involve talking to someone else for the first two days. Crazy, I know. 

Chasing leads on day one feels good. It feels productive. But without taking time to prepare (the right way) you’re just wasting valuable time. 

On day one, sit down by yourself and identify who exactly you want to work with. Are you targeting startups? Solopreneurs? Fortune 500 businesses? Do you want to write laptop reviews? Or are you more interested in writing about the latest travel trends? 

Even if you have a defined niche, every client hunt should start with this exercise. If you don’t know who you want to work for, you can’t focus your efforts where they matter most. 

Next, get your portfolio right. One glance should make the thought of you writing for their competitors sickening. With your ideal client in mind, tailor your portfolio to deliver a first impression they can’t say no to.

Be sure to: 

  • Include your latest, most relevant samples (links are best).
  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile or website to showcase your expertise.
  • Have a resume or CV ready in case they ask for it.Β 

Step 2: Strategic Outreach (Days 3-5) 

Now that you have a solid foundation, it’s time to put yourself out there. Your goal is to connect with the right people, at the right time, and show them you are the right person for this job. 

Easy enough, right? But where are these leads? 

Start with your network. Your existing connections are an invaluable resource. Reach out to friends, colleagues, and even past clients. Don’t be afraid to say you’re looking for work. There’s no shame in the hustle. Let them know you’re available for new projects. 

Personalize every message you send. Avoid generic copy-paste messages like the plague. Again, you might think you’re saving time and getting sh*t done, but doing this is just a waste of time. 

People appreciate effort. Why would they trust you to write their content if you can’t take the time to write them a note? 

Don’t shy away from cold pitching, either. When you do it right, it works. Cold pitching gets a lot of flak online because most writers aren’t doing it rightβ€”or enough. 

Research ideal clients, craft a pitch tailored to their needs, and show that you’ve done your homework. Then send 50 of them. Then send 50 more. Cold pitching is a numbers game. You only need one person to say yes, but you might have to ask 100 times to get what you want. 

Step 3: Convert and Follow Up (Days 6-7)

You’ve laid the groundwork, connected, and now it’s time to seal the deal. 

If a prospect hasn’t responded, don’t assume it’s a no. Follow up! Send a polite reminder message. Sometimes, they just need a nudge to prioritize your offer. Keeping yourself top-of-mind is key to standing out. 

I land more clients through follow-up emails than any other method. It’s not close. 

When someone shows interest, make the most of your first call or email (I prefer calls). Ask thoughtful questions that show you’re invested in their success. You’d be surprised how many freelancers jump on a job offer without asking a question. Nothing makes a client more nervous than not knowing if you’re on the same page. 

The Bottom Line

If you complete all these steps, you will land a new client. I’m confident. Why? Because I use this exact strategy all the time and it hasn’t let me down yet. 

It isn’t magic. It’s focus, action, and persistence. Most people won’t tell you that being a freelance writer takes insane guts. This isn’t a cakewalk. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the spoils. 

Remember, quick results are possible when you approach client acquisition with confidence and a clear plan. So, what are you waiting for? 

Start today, land your next client before the new year, and let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear your success stories! 

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